A crash avoidance system can help vehicles stay safe on the roads and reduce accidents. With a crash avoidance system, vehicles can benefit from early alarm technology that alerts distracted drivers and helps them react quickly. Activated by braking inertia. G-force. Activates faster than brake lights Not for a slow rolling stop. Led Laser Strobe pattern, bright Amber. Mount on center of rear of vehicle. Directions, template and screws included.
If you need a rear-end CRASH avoidance system, VTRCORP™. We use advanced technology to keep your vehicles safe and alert while on the road. Save lives, cargo livestock, unnecessary damage, cleanup, downtime. Great Safety feature when hauling flammable materials.
Our CRASH avoidance system will help you and your fleet stay safe without sacrificing efficiency. Our product not only Alerts distractive persons driving,(talking on phone, texting, etc.) Tailgaters may find it annoying, but they are alerted. With our CRASH avoidance system there is a tendency to leave more space between vehicles. DRIVE SAFE.
Make safety a priority with VTRCORP™’s crash avoidance systems. Contact us today for more information about how we can assist you. You can also view our selection of rear-end collision avoidance systems. P.O. and payment are requested prior to shipping. See Website for more information. Vtrcorp.com DRIVE SAFE
Keep your trucks on the road serving their purpose rather than being tied up in a repair shop costing you time and money! TruckALERT is proven to lower crash rates, and installing it is one of the best decisions you'll ever make.
TowALERT provides your trailer with built in collision avoidance technology, and can be easily added to any Trailer. It doesn't matter what you're hauling, it's worth protecting!
BusALERT provides effective collision avoidance technology to any Transit Bus, School Bus, or Shuttle. It helps protect against Passenger Injuries, Collision Repair Costs, and Lost Revenue